One Life to Live children

The following are child characters from the American soap opera One Life to Live who are notable for being the offspring of key characters, and part of significant storylines.


Bree Brennan

Samantha and Jessica Schaffhauser (May 2006-September 2006)
Carly and Sam Wolfe (October 2006-April 2008)
Brooke and Kiley Liddell (May 2008-November 2008)
Stephanie Schmahl (December 9, 2008-present)

Bree Victoria Brennan (born Brennan Buchanan) is the daughter and only living child of Jessica Buchanan and the late Nash Brennan. Jessica meets Nash in 2005 while she is struggling with dissociative identity disorder and under the influence of an alternate personality named Tess. Romantically involved with Antonio Vega for years, Jessica becomes pregnant and at first is not sure if Nash or Antonio is the father. The baby, born May 1, 2006,[1] is Nash's daughter and is named Brennan Buchanan. Jessica later nicknames her Bree. Jessica marries Nash on July 12, 2007,[2] but he later dies on June 5, 2008 after a fall at the Palace Hotel.[3] Bree becomes a big sister to Ryder (her maternal half-brother). Bree is also in 2nd grade and gets along very well with Ryder's father, Robert Ford and even calls him Uncle Bobby. On October 31, She is seen trick or treating with her mom and Uncle Bobby.

Chloe Brennan

Chloe Victoria Brennan was the stillborn daughter of Jessica Buchanan and the late Nash Brennan. She was born on-screen on November 6, 2008 to Jessica while Jessica was under the influence of her alternate personality "Tess" during childbirth. The trauma of the baby's death brought out a third personality, who calls herself "Bess."[4] Starr Manning gave birth to her daughter Hope on the same day;[4] to protect Jessica's sanity, Bess switched the babies,[5] and Jessica reemerged not realizing that her newborn daughter was not in fact hers.[6] Chloe was buried and mourned as Hope Manning Thornhart.[7][8] The secret of the switch came out in May 2009; Jessica finally remembered what happened,[9] and tearfully returned Hope on June 5, 2009.[10] Jessica and the family re-buried Chloe on June 17, 2009 as Chloe Victoria Brennan.[11]

Duke Buchanan

Duke Buchanan
Matthew Metzger as Duke Buchanan (2004-2006)
One Life to Live
Portrayed by Matthew Metzger
Duration 1992-1994, 2004-2006
First appearance June 29, 1992
Last appearance May 22, 2006
Cause/reason Died from injures sustained in a tornado
Created by Josh Griffith
Michael Malone
Nickname(s) Duke
Gender Male

Adam and Connor O'Brien (1992)[12]
David and Michael DeFranco (December 1993-January 1994)[12]
Matthew Metzger (August 23, 2004-May 22, 2006)[12]

Demerest "Duke" Buchanan is the son of Kevin Buchanan and LeeAnn Demerest. On the rebound from a failed romance with Stephanie Hobart, Kevin becomes involved with LeeAnn. They sleep together and LeeAnn becomes pregnant; Kevin finds out in 1992, and he and LeeAnn elope. Their son Duke is born in 1992, but their marriage crumbles over her closeness with Jason Webb. Kevin and LeeAnn divorce, and at one point in the fierce custody battle LeeAnn insists Duke is Max Holden's son. LeeAnn ultimately leaves town for Texas with Duke in 1993.

In 2004, Kevin is married to Kelly Cramer; they become involved in a messy divorce and an even messier custody battle over their son Ace. Somewhat bitter over Kevin's lack of participation in his life so far, an adult Duke comes to town to attend business school and sides with Kelly, even testifying for her in court. Kevin and Kelly's marriage completely collapses when Kevin discovers that Kelly had miscarried their biological child, adopted another baby illegally, and passed him off as theirs; Ace turns out to have been stolen from his biological mother, and a devastated Kevin and Kelly return him.

Meanwhile, Duke has begun a relationship with Adriana Cramer; her mother Dorian Lord has hated the Buchanans for decades and despises the match. But when Adriana breaks up with Duke over her increasing feelings for Rex Balsom, Duke turns to alcohol and admits to Kelly that he has fallen in love with her. She convinces him that his feelings are not real, and they part. Later on in the St. James Church rectory, Duke again comes across Kelly, distraught from a horrible argument with Kevin. Their emotions get the best of them and they have sex, but a tornado hits and they are buried under debris. Critically injured, Duke and Kelly are rushed to Llanview Hospital, where a shortage of surgeons puts Kevin in the impossible position of choosing who will be operated on first. He chooses Kelly, whom he is told by the doctors is in more desperate need. Kevin is devastated when Duke dies on May 15, 2006 before he can be brought into surgery.

Initially blaming Kelly for Duke's death, Kevin goes off the deep end when he learns that Kelly is pregnant with Duke's child. Having both had fertility issues in the past, Kevin and Kelly begin to view the pregnancy as a blessing, and are brought closer together. Kevin is by Kelly's side when Duke's son Zane is born on October 31, 2006. Kelly accepts Kevin's invitation to accompany him to London, where they can start over and raise Zane together.

Megan Buchanan

Erin Torpey (July 21-July 22, 2008)[13][14]

Megan Victoria Buchanan Rappaport is the daughter of Will Rappaport and Jessica Buchanan. Conceived during a brief fling between Will and Jessica, Megan is stillborn in 1999 after Dorian Lord accidentally hits a pregnant Jessica with her car. A devastated Jessica ultimately forgives a repentant Dorian.

On July 21 and July 22, 2008, the spirit of an adult Megan visits Jessica's mother Victoria Lord Davidson, who is critically injured in a car crash.[13][14][15]

Zane Buchanan

Jack Ferrantini (October 31, 2006-December 14, 2006)

Zane Buchanan is the son of Kelly Cramer and the late Duke Buchanan. Zane was born on October 31, 2006, however, it was changed to c. 1995.

He is conceived during a tornado that strikes Llanview in May 2006. Duke sleeps with his father Kevin's ex-wife Kelly just that one time. Duke dies just hours later after being injured in the tornado. Zane is born severely premature by emergency Caesarean section. Kevin and Kelly soon leave town together headed for London, taking baby Zane with them. Upon Kelly's return, it has been stated that Zane attends a boarding school in London and is now in high school.

Sebastian "Baz" Delgado

Barret Helms (June 20, 2011- September 20, 2011)

Sebastian "Baz" Delgado is the son of Tomás Delgado and Yvette Moreau. After Blair Cramer follows Tomas to New York, believing he has a secret, she is shocked to learn he is married. Tomas arrives and explains that he has been separated from his wife Yvette for quite some time. Yvette, who has been lying to Tomas about Sebastian's paternity, reveals that Baz is actually Tomas' son. Yvette agrees to finalize her divorce to Tomás if he will take Baz back to Llanview with him. Baz is a musician and has made friends with Blair's daughter Starr Manning after meeting her at Llanview University and adding his music to her IPod without permission. They are collaborating on songs together at Blair's Capricorn nightclub while Baz works there as a DJ. During their collaboration, Baz starts falling for Starr and ends up kissing her which mortifies her as she is in a relationship with James Ford.

Megan Craig Riley

Unnamed infant actors (1974-1975)

Megan Craig Riley is the daughter of Joe Riley and Cathy Craig. While Joe is presumed dead, wife Victoria Lord Riley marries Steve Burke in 1972; Viki is overjoyed when Joe returns, but chooses to stay loyal to Steve in 1973. Joe begins a relationship with Cathy, but he and Viki soon reunite.

Viki's divorce from Steve is finalized, but Cathy is pregnant with Joe's child. He offers to marry her, but she refuses. Joe and Viki remarry in a simple ceremony. Cathy gives birth to Megan in 1974, but the child has a congenital heart defect that assures she will not live past adolescence. In 1975, Viki is in a car accident which leaves her in a coma and kills baby Megan. Viki recovers, but Cathy swears revenge.

A fragile Cathy begins a romance with Viki's brother Tony Lord in 1976, and they soon elope. Still overwrought over Megan's death, she begins to lose touch with reality and rages over the news that Viki is pregnant. Viki gives birth to Joe's son Kevin Lord Riley, but soon sister-in-law Cathy kidnaps the child. When delusional Cathy is found, she has no memory of taking the infant or where she had left him. Cathy finally remembers enough for Kevin to be found in 1977.

Ryder Ford

Matthew and Nicholas Urbanowics (January 2011-present)

Ryder Asa Lovett (also known as Ryder Ford) is the son of Jessica Buchanan and Robert Ford, born on January 11, 2011, via c-section at Llanview Hospital. Though Jessica is initially unsure whether her unborn child's father is one-night-stand Robert Ford or her estranged fiancé Brody Lovett, a paternity test confirms that the baby is Brody's. However on February 9, 2011, Buchanan Enterprises employee Vimal reveals that Ford is Ryder's biological father, but he had altered the paternity test on orders from Jessica's father, Clint Buchanan.

Jessica is unable to bear this, and changes into her alternate personality, Tess. She devises a scheme with Ford to get custody of Ryder. However, when Jessica's family becomes aware, they sue for temporary custody. In the end, Jessica's mother, Viki, is denied custody, but so are Tess and Ford. Just as the judge announces that Ryder will be put in foster care, Jessica's brother Joey and his wife Aubrey stand up and say they'll take Ryder and the judge overturns her decision and gives temporary custody of Ryder to Joey and Aubrey. On June 16, 2011 Jessica returns and takes Ryder from Aubrey. As of July 13th, Jessica has custody of Ryder but she and Ford agreed that he could see his son whenever he wants.

As of October 2011 his name has remained Ryder Lovett. Despite his paternity, his mother Jessica has not updated his documentation with a name change.

Hope Manning

Tess, Madeline, and Molly Sullivan (2008-present)

Hope Manning Thornhart (formerly Hope Manning McBain and Chloe Brennan) is the daughter of Cole Thornhart and Starr Manning, born on November 6, 2008 at Llanview Hospital.[16]

Starr arranges for the child to be adopted by Marcie McBain, but Starr's estranged father Todd blackmails her doctor into pretending the child dies so that he can raise it himself.[17] Todd has a change of heart and calls off the plan after Hope is born.[18] However, Starr's cousin Jessica Buchanan, under the influence of her alternate personality "Bess," switches Hope with Jessica's own newborn daughter Chloe Brennan, who had been stillborn the same day.[5] Jessica reemerges not realizing that her newborn daughter is Starr's child,[6] and Starr's family mourn the loss of the baby they believe is hers.[7] The baby's headstone gives her name as Hope Manning McBain.[8]

The secret of the switch comes out in May 2009; Jessica finally remembers what happened,[9] and tearfully returns the baby on June 5, 2009.[10] Starr and Cole have a brief reunion with Hope before they hand her over to a grateful Marcie and her husband, Dr. Michael McBain.[19] After overhearing Starr talking about her regrets, Marcie returns Hope to Starr on June 15, 2009.[20]

In September 2009, Cole is working undercover for the police; his cover is compromised, and Starr and Hope are kidnapped by Russian mobsters on orders from Mayor Lowell. They are rescued by Brody Lovett. In October 2010, Hope and Starr are kidnapped by Elijah Clarke but escape, only to be kidnapped again by Hannah O'Connor. They later escape her as well. Hope's godparents are Markko Rivera and Langston Wilde, who are Cole and Starr's best friends. She has been having nightmares since her father went to prison and has been having trouble accepting James into her life. But she likes Baz.

When the man with the scar said they had proof he is the real Todd Manning, Starr is thrilled. Hope then walks down the stairs and Starr shows her father his granddaughter. Since there is only one 'Shorty' and that is Starr, he calls Hope 'Peanut'. Todd plays with Hope since Starr allowed him to and Starr had to leave after getting a call from Victor. Todd also noticed how much Starr and Hope looked alike.

Sam Manning

Kyle and Zachary Kirchmann (2006)
Zachary and Daniel Frisch (2006-2007)
Jacob and Luke Clodfelter (2007-January 2010)
Patrick Gibbons, Jr. (December 22, 2010-present)

Samuel "Sam" Manning (born Todd Manning Jr., formerly Tommy McBain) is the son of the late Victor Lord Jr. and the late Margaret Cochran and was adopted by Blair Cramer and has a stepmother his late father's wife, Téa Delgado. Sam was born on screen on February 6, 2006, however, it was changed to July 15, 2004.

Long obsessed with Todd Manning and causing trouble for him and his family, mentally unstable Margaret Cochran appears on his wedding day to ex-wife Blair Cramer. When he refuses to leave with her willingly, she shoots both his knees, kidnaps him, and holds him hostage. Wanting a child by Todd, Margaret ultimately rapes him; he allows it to happen to keep Margaret from murdering Blair. Margaret disappears and Todd and Blair are later reunited; a pregnant Margaret returns to Llanview but is murdered. Todd is tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for the crime; he is administered the lethal injection but revived at the very last second by his enemy Dr. Spencer Truman as proof surfaces that Margaret is alive. With no memory of her time in Llanview, Margaret is first unable to recall even having a child; soon the memories come flooding back. It is revealed that Spencer had taken Margaret in, orchestrated her "murder", and framed Todd. Spencer had delivered Margaret's baby — whom she unofficially named Todd Manning Jr. — on February 6, 2006,[21] and had then disposed of it in a black market adoption. Margaret dies following a van wreck before she can reveal all the details.

Todd hires young private investigator Rex Balsom to find his son in late 2006. Rex soon discovers that the child is actually his own godson: Tommy, the adopted son of close friend Marcie and her new husband, Dr. Michael McBain. Familiar with the McBains' devotion to Tommy and knowing that they would be devastated if he were taken away, Rex is unsure what to do; he is also aware of Todd's volatile behavior, above-the-law history and selfishness. Perceiving Todd's consideration of his missing son as nothing more than a lost possession, Rex decides to keep the secret. Rex's girlfriend Adriana Cramer and later Michael himself become part of the conspiracy to keep Tommy with the McBains. Rex goes as far as faking a death certificate for Todd's missing child to get Todd to give up the search. An unhinged Spencer is murdered; in the wake of his death, hints to the whereabouts of Todd's son begin to surface, prompting Todd to resume his search. Spencer's killer is finally revealed to be Lindsay Rappaport, who loves Marcie like a daughter. Lindsay had discovered Tommy's true identity and had stabbed Spencer to bury the secret forever. But at the same time Lindsay is arrested, the rest of Spencer's final plan plays out as his heir Miles Laurence gives Todd proof that Spencer orchestrated the adoption of Todd's son by the McBains.

Todd takes the McBains to court to win custody of his son, and both sides malign each other in a bitter battle. On October 9, 2007, Todd is awarded custody. As he arrives at the McBains' to pick up his son, Marcie escapes out a window with Tommy and flees town. Pursued by Todd, FBI agent Lee Ramsey, and her brother-in-law Detective John McBain, Marcie and Tommy travel under assumed names to Decatur, Georgia, then New Orleans and finally Paris, Texas. A disguised Marcie walks into the Bon Jour Café, not realizing that Llanview matriarch (and Todd's sister) Viki Lord Davidson has been working there incognito to temporarily escape her life. Marcie befriends waitress Gigi Morasco, who soon discovers Marcie's identity but promises not to turn Marcie in.

With Marcie and his son still at large, Todd announces on December 20, 2007 that "Tommy" will be renamed "Sam Manning," in honor of his deceased mentor and friend, Sam Rappaport. Having unknowingly avoided Viki for weeks, Marcie soon comes face to face with her; when Todd and John appear at the Bon Jour, a desperate Marcie holds Viki at gunpoint. The FBI and police soon surround the diner; Marcie's doctor husband Michael is sent in to help an ailing Viki, becoming Marcie's willing prisoner as Viki is released to get medical attention. Michael is temporarily reunited with his former adopted son "Tommy." Michael manages to convince Marcie to surrender; they will lose their child but will still have each other for support. On January 14, 2008, Todd's son Sam is finally returned to him. Later that year, Todd gets into a car accident, with Sam not in a carseat. Blair, Starr, and Starr's friends testify to Todd's recent violent and unstable behavior, and Todd loses custody of Sam to his estranged wife Blair. On June 10, 2011 Sam befriends a mysterious man named T.M. (later revealed to his uncle Todd.)

He celebrated his 7th birthday on July 15, 2011 with his family at Todd's house. On his birthday, Sam was kidnapped by his "imaginary friend", who is actually the man with Todd's original face, disguised as Spider-Man who entertained him and his family at his birthday party. Sam later rescues his great aunt Dorian Lord after she is kidnapped by Echo DiSavoy and taken hostage at the Minute Man Motel (which is also the place where his "imaginary friend" took him to after he kidnaps him), and he does this while wearing a Spider-Man mask! He also sprays Echo with foam made spider webs that put her trapped against a wall! Police Detective John McBain soon finds Echo, Dorian, and Sam at the motel, and John returns Sam to his family at Todd's house to continue celebrating his birthday party. In August 2011, it is revealed that Sam's father "Todd" was actually Todd's identical twin brother Victor Lord Jr., who had been brainwashed into believing that he is Todd. On August 31, 2011, Sam's father, Victor was murdered by a unknown assailant. Sam is going to be a big brother to his late father and stepmother's baby (who Téa is currently expecting).

Gabriel McBain

Gabriel Thomas McBain is the son of Dr. Michael McBain and Marcie Walsh McBain.

In June 2009, after thinking that they could not have biological children and losing two adoptive children to their biological parents, the couple is shocked to learn that Marcie is pregnant as they move to Seattle, Washington. Marcie gives birth six weeks early on November 13, 2009 in Seattle.[22] In late October 2011, Michael and Marcie are shown expecting their second child.

Liam McBain

Christian & Gavin McGinley (January 2011-present)

Liam Asa McBain is the son of Natalie Buchanan and John McBain, born on January 11, 2011 at Clint Buchanan's lodge. Though Natalie is initially unsure whether her unborn child's father is one-night-stand Brody Lovett (her sister Jessica's estranged fiancé) or her own boyfriend John McBain, a paternity test confirms that the baby is Brody's. Terrified of John's reaction and wanting to protect Jessica, Natalie hides the truth. A vengeful Marty Saybrooke blackmails Natalie with this information, but Natalie turns the tables on her. After the baby is born, Marty kidnaps him, but John gets him back. Liam's paternity test results are revealed at Natalie and Jessica's double wedding, and a betrayed John leaves Natalie. Brody takes the role of Liam's father, but speculation of who the real father is comes to surface after Marty returns from Saint Anne's. During a recored therapy session with Dr. Buhari, Marty reveals that she switched the paternity results and that John McBain is the father of Liam. Brody gets a hold of the tape recorder and finds out but he keeps it a secret from Natalie and John. As of September 2011, Marty, Victor Lord Jr., Vimal, Jack and Brody were the only ones who knew that John is Liam's father, however on October 3rd, Jessica discovers Liam's original paternity test listing John as his father. Jessica later tells Ford about Liam's true paternity. However, Jessica is unsure whether to keep it a secret or tell Natalie. She doesnt want to hurt Brody after all he's been through, but she wants to make things right for John and Natalie. During his mom and "dad's" wedding it comes out that John McBain is his father and Brody goes off the deep end and kidnaps him. Brody gives back Liam and he is reunited with his mother and father. He spends his first Thanksgiving with his parents and family members.

Shane Morasco-Balsom

Shane Morasco-Balsom
Austin Williams as Shane Morasco-Balsom
One Life to Live
Portrayed by Austin Williams
Duration 2007–present
First appearance October 29, 2007
Created by Ron Carlivati
Gender Male
Occupation Student (Sophomore) at Llanview High School
Residence Buchanan Mansion
Llanview, Pennsylvania

Shane Morasco-Balsom is the son of Rex Balsom and Gigi Morasco.

Gigi initially befriends Viki Davidson in 2007 when both women are working at the Bonjour Café in Paris, Texas. Despite being energetic and curious, Shane is asthmatic, and has attacks which can send him to the emergency room. Gigi asserts that his father is a deceased war hero, a story Shane thrills to hear again and again, but is especially troubled when her old high school boyfriend Rex Balsom later appears at the Bonjour.

Fugitive teacher Marcie McBain — in disguise as Bon Jour waitress "Sally Ann" — recommends fantasy books to Shane to encourage him to read. When Todd Manning and Lee Ramsey come to Paris to apprehend Marcie, Shane is taken hostage along with Gigi, whom they hope can lure Marcie into a trap. After Marcie is apprehended, Gigi is arrested for aiding and abetting a fugitive, but Viki pays Gigi's bail. She and Shane are reunited as Viki returns to Llanview.

Gigi and Shane later go to Llanview to testify in the case against Marcie. Rex's fiancée Adriana Cramer discovers Shane's existence, and suspects that he is Rex's son. Rex refuses to believe it, and Gigi confirms that Shane's father is a deceased Navy SEAL. Gigi is troubled as Rex begins getting closer to Shane. On March 17, 2008, she admits aloud that Rex is Shane's father.[23] Gigi and Shane celebrate Shane's 10th birthday on March 25, 2008.

With Gigi a constant presence and Rex getting closer to Shane, Adriana seeks information on Shane's father Brody Lovett in hopes of gaining some leverage against Gigi. She soon discovers that Brody is alive; wanting to keep him and Gigi apart, Brody's mother had told Gigi that he had died in combat, and had told Brody that Gigi had run off with someone else. Brody confirms that Gigi had been pregnant when he met her, and Adriana pays him to come to Llanview. Shane is as ecstatic as Gigi is shocked to see Brody, and Gigi finds herself forced to keep up the lie that Brody is Shane's father. Later romantically involved with Rex, Gigi eventually tells him that he is Shane's biological father. Meanwhile, Shane and Brody have become attached to each other, and Brody begins poisoning Shane's mind against Rex. As Gigi and Rex prepare to tell Shane the truth, an unraveling Brody prepares to do whatever it takes to keep his "son." Brody kidnaps Shane, and soon begins to hallucinate visions of an Iraqi boy he had accidentally killed in Iraq. In a standoff with Rex and the police, Brody shoots Rex, who is rushed to the hospital and falls into a coma. Gigi finally tells Shane the truth about his paternity, and although unhappy with the news at first, Shane begins to accept it. Brody ends up in an Army hospital, horrified to learn what he had done; Rex recovers and is able to get the charges against Brody dropped. Brody shares an emotional goodbye with Shane and is admitted to St. Anne's mental hospital for treatment. Though still concerned for Brody, Shane continues to warm to Rex as their father-son bond develops.

On March 12, 2009, Shane is diagnosed with leukemia, Gigi's sister Stacy later learns of a matching donor. Wanting Rex for herself, Stacy pretends that she is the match and forces Gigi to break up with Rex in exchange for her blood. Shane receives the transplant and improves, but Gigi is afraid to reveal Stacy's blackmail in case Shane needs more of her stem cells.

In February 2011, Shane starts being bullied by Jack Manning in high school. Jack and his friends stole money from the school and framed Shane, wrote nasty things on his Myface page, took his inhaler when he was having an asthma attack, and even worse, he took his clothes and put a video of him naked on the internet. All of the abuse was too much for Shane to handle, so he went to the roof of the school to try to commit suicide by jumping off the roof. Before he was able to jump off the roof, Rex and Gigi stopped him, and also took him to the hospital to have him psychologically tested. Rex, Gigi, and Shane later had a family therapy session with Dr. Buhari to help Shane cope with being a bullied victim at school. Rex and Gigi later also decided to get married. On June 6th, Shane finally stands up to Jack and intentionally drops a barbell on his toe, breaking it, much to Jack and his friend Brad Kozinski's surprise.

After deciding to handle Jack Manning before going to her wedding, his mom Gigi was declared brain dead after she inhales carbon monoxide from a trap set by Jack and his friends on June 14/15, 2011, in the basement of a rental home owned by Brad's dad.

On October 12th, at the very beginning of the October 13th episode, Shane pulls a gun on Jack, then shoots the gun, but misses and shoots the tree instead. Bo and Rex stop Shane from actually shooting Jack, and they all go the police station. Shane admits to knocking Jack over the head the night of his uncle's murder with his Rex's gun, and that he tried to kill him, but changed his mind and took Jack to drop him off at the hospital. The gun is put through a test and its not the murder weapon proving Shane didn't shoot Victor. Jack asks Brody if charges will be filed against Shane, and Brody asks "Why? You weren't charged for Gigi's death". On October 14th, Blair finds out and asks Bo if Shane was charged, he says no, and Blair wonders if it's because Shane and Rex are family. Bo says no, and explains that if that happened, Jack wouldn't go free either. Two months later, Shane meets Neela Patel, who is a new girl at school that Jack has a crush on, and Neela also has a crush on Jack, too. Shane then hires Neela to secretly record her conversation with Jack about being responsible for Gigi's death. After Neela recorded her conversation with Jack for Shane, Jack was finally arrested for Gigi's death. On December 27th, Shane is reunited with his mom. Rex and Gigi then both explain to Shane that his Aunt Stacy, not Gigi, was the one that died in that basement. Gigi and Shane then both went to the police station to explain to everyone that his mother is alive, and that Jack wasn't responsible for Gigi's death after all. Gigi then confronts Jack for almost killing her, but Shane told her it's not worth getting even with Shane because he wasn't really responsible for her "death". Gigi and Shane then went back to Llanfair when Rex surprised Gigi by proposing to her again. On New Year's Eve 2011, Shane's parents got married in front of their family and friends at Llanfair.

Sierra Rose Morasco

Sierra Rose Morasco (also known as Sierra Rose Fish) is the daughter of Stacy Morasco and Oliver Fish, born on February 11, 2010.[24]

In love with her sister Gigi's boyfriend Rex Balsom, Stacy blackmails Gigi into breaking up with him. Rex and Gigi are eventually reunited, but in the meantime Stacy and Rex have slept together, and Stacy soon discovers that she is pregnant. She miscarries after an argument with Gigi, but keeps the truth from Rex knowing that it is her only hold over him. Stacy plots to get pregnant again by someone else in order to pass the baby off as Rex's. She drugs ex-boyfriend Schuyler Joplin and attempts to sleep with him, but he refuses her. She only becomes pregnant again after seducing a drunken Oliver Fish, but tells Schuyler that the baby is his. Schuyler agrees to keep the truth from Rex so that he can have Gigi for himself. Rex's crazed biological father Mitch Laurence kidnaps Stacy in February 2010, intending to raise her baby as his heir; when she reveals that the baby is not Rex's, Mitch abandons Stacy in a blizzard. Gigi finds her, takes her to a cabin, and on February 11, 2010 helps Stacy deliver a baby girl she names Sierra Rose after Stacy and Gigi's childhood dolls.[24] Gigi rushes off to the hospital with a newborn Sierra; Stacy tries to follow, but falls through the ice of a frozen lake.[25] Despite Rex and Oliver's attempts to save her, she disappears beneath the ice and is presumed dead.[25][26] Sierra is soon diagnosed with a congenital heart defect requiring immediate surgery; now aware that he is not the baby's biological father, Rex defers to Schuyler to approve the surgery. On April 2, 2010, it is revealed to Gigi, Schuyler, and Rex that the baby's real father is Oliver. He is soon awarded legal custody.

C. J. Roberts

C. J. Roberts
One Life to Live
Portrayed by Tyler Noyes (other child actors)
Duration 1988, 1990-1991, 1992-1997
Created by Peggy O'Shea
Gender Male
Occupation Former U. S. Navy seal
Residence Currently unknown

Clinton James "C. J." Roberts is a fictional character from the original daytime soap opera, One Life to Live. The character is born on-screen in April 1987 and has only ever been portrayed by child actors. Child actor, Tyler Noyes is most notable for his portrayal of C. J. from 1992 to 1997.

Character History

Cord Roberts happily marries social climber and heiress, Tina Lord in April 1986. In 1987, Cord's mother, Maria Roberts doesn't approve of the relationship and convinces Max Holden to take Tina to Argentina where she soon discovers she is pregnant. Meanwhile, Cord marries Kate Sanders. Cord follows Tina to Argentina where Max & Tina have gotten mixed up with crime lord, Carlo Hesser and his drug ring. Carlo sends Tina over a waterfall in a raft; Tina and her unborn child are presumed dead. Tina survived and met up with Gabrielle Medina, Max's former lover and convinces her that she [Tina] and Max are now married. Gabrielle gives her and Max's new born son to Tina so they can raise him. Tina returns to Llanview with baby Al named after Cord's late step-father. Maria soon learns about Al's true identity and blackmails Tina into divorcing Cord in July 1987.

In 1988, it is learned that Tina's real son didn't die when she went over the falls, but he was actually alive and being cared for in the Argentinean jungle under the name "Milagro". Max's enemies would later kidnap the infant and place him in an Italian convent; Tina must pose as nun to get him back. Cord and Tina would later name him Clinton James, after Cord's biological father, Clint Buchanan. After Tina and Cord's divorce in January 1990, C. J. and Tina move to San Diego.

In February 1991, C. J. becomes a big brother after the birth of his sister, Sarah Victoria. When Cord is presumed dead in 1992, C. J. and Sarah become attached to their mother's new boyfriend, Cain Rogan. Cord returns in 1993 suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome, but after much intrigue Tina marries Cain in 1994 and leaves town, leaving Cord to raise the kids. She soon returns and in July 1994 and rededicates her life to raising C. J. and Sarah.

Convicted rapist Todd Manning escapes from prison, but saves the lives of C. J., Sarah, and their cousin Jessica Buchanan. A man named David Vickers comes to town, claiming to be Tina's long lost brother; soon Tina joins forces with imposter David to unsuccessfully try to swindle the massive inheritance from her and Viki's real brother, Todd Manning. Ultimately, Tina moves to Baltimore with C.J. and Sarah in June 1996, the three returning briefly in 1997 to say good bye to Cord as he leaves for London.

In February 2003, Sarah now going by the nickname "Flash" comes to town searching for her brother, C. J. whom she has lost touch with. Sarah reveals that Tina's parenting forced C. J. and Sarah to run away from home. It is soon discovered that C. J. has joined the U. S. Navy and was deploying into the Indian Ocean. Later that year, Al Holden, the baby that C. J. was switched with as a child dies at the age of 22, which would put their birth year at 1981.

C. J. has not appeared on-screen since 1997, but he has been mentioned. His last known residence is on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

Jamie Vega

Darryn and Leah Thompson (February 10, 2003-March 8, 2005)[27]
Saoirse Scott (April 8, 2005-April 2009)[27][28]

Jamie Reynolds Vega (born Stephanie Reynolds)[29] is the daughter of Antonio Vega and Keri Reynolds; originally named Stephanie, she is at first believed to be the child of Keri's mother Liz and another man, the embryo transplanted into Keri. The baby is born and soon determined to actually be the biological child of Keri and boyfriend Antonio. She is later renamed Jamie.

Following Keri's death, Jamie is the subject of a fierce custody battle between her father and maternal grandfather, R.J. Gannon. Jessica Buchanan acts as a mother to Jamie during Jessica's long relationship with (and short marriage to) Antonio, and nearly adopts Jamie before she and Antonio split up. In April 2007, Jamie runs out of Antonio and Jessica's loft as they are arguing. Outside, Jamie runs through Angel Square, directly past Nash and her uncle Cristian, who witness Jamie being hit by a car. Jamie is rushed to the hospital, where she is treated by Dr. Michael McBain and Dr. Paige Miller. Jamie makes a full recovery. After Antonio and Jessica's break up, Antonio briefly leaves town, taking Jamie with him. They soon return.

See also


  1. ^ One Life to Live recap (5/1/06) - Retrieved from Internet Archive on March 26, 2008.
  2. ^ One Life to Live recap (7/12/07) - Retrieved from Internet Archive on September 21, 2007. On June 17 2011 Jessica returns to her normal self after being Tess since February she comes home to find Brody and Natalie in bed together they all share some words then she and Bree reunite.
  3. ^ One Life to Live recap (6/5/08) -
  4. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (11/7/08) -
  5. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (11/11/08) -
  6. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (11/12/08) -
  7. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (12/10/08) -
  8. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (4/6/09) -
  9. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (6/3/09) -
  10. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (6/5/09) -
  11. ^ One Life to Live recap (6/17/09) -
  12. ^ a b c Duke Buchanan profile -
  13. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (7/21/08, 40th Anniversary) -
  14. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (7/22/08, 40th Anniversary) -
  15. ^ Logan, Michael. "Nipped Tuck: Tweaked OLTL Tale Adds 'Original' Jess." Retrieved June 12, 2008. It may also be noted that actress Torpey portrayed Jessica when the character Megan died in 1999.
  16. ^ One Life to Live recap (11/6/08) -
  17. ^ One Life to Live recap (11/04/08) -
  18. ^ One Life to Live recap (11/10/08) -
  19. ^ One Life to Live recap (6/8/09) -
  20. ^ One Life to Live recap (6/15/09) -
  21. ^ One Life to Live recaps (February 2006) -
  22. ^
  23. ^ Gigi confirms that Rex is Shane's father in the March 17, 2008 episode.
  24. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (2/11/10) -
  25. ^ a b One Life to Live recap (2/16/10) -
  26. ^ One Life to Live recap (2/18/10) -
  27. ^ a b Jamie Vega profile - Retrieved on February 17, 2009.
  28. ^ - Saoirse Scott
  29. ^ Children of One Life to Live - Retrieved October 21, 2008.